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Amouage Interlude

Founded more than a quarter of a century ago, Amouage

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Image Making

What is the future for the still and moving image and can we deliver more for less?

As many of us are beginning to dare to call ourselves filmmakers, just what exactly canĀ  photographers bring to the medium that sets us apart from others with none photographic backgrounds? Landscape, still life, food, car, architectural, interior, nature, sport, fashion, street … the list goes on. For me at least, there is one genre Read More…

Downton Abbey

Can photographers become filmmakers and are the two disciplines really that different?

As many of us are beginning to dare to call ourselves filmmakers, just what exactly canĀ  photographers bring to the medium that sets us apart from others with none photographic backgrounds? Landscape, still life, food, car, architectural, interior, nature, sport, fashion, street … the list goes on. For me at least, there is one genre Read More…

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The making of a cinema commercial for two technological giants. 'In Search of Incredible'

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